30 Stylish Maven Man Bun For Asian Guys

An Asian man bun is widely known as the samurai bun. The cool hairstyle seems to be considered as a manly textured look. Asian guy’s straight medium-length hair looks like a perfect fit for the man bun. Man bun for Asian creates a flat topping and ends with a top knot in most cases.

Sidelines are often shaped into an undercut finish. Samurai-style hairdos demand the same length of hair in all sections. Otherwise, placing the bun in the right shape will be a tough ask. Faded and open sidelines are also allowed as per your preference of hairstyle look.

The growth of the hairstyle has no boundary, but it can’t be in short length. The hairstyle put together a handsome style altogether for the Asian man. Try out different textures and thicknesses as presented in our selection. 

How To Do The Asian Man Bun – Step By Step

Medium and long-length hair is considered the best option for an Asian man bun. The sensational man bun for Asian also looks trendy on a slight shortcut. You will just be fine with the haircut if you can follow the steps properly narrated underneath.

Step – 1: Clean Your Hair

The first step will be to shampoo your hair and create the best texture possible. The following step is avoidable if you choose to try the man bun on curly hair. After the wash, make sure to dry out the hair before you jump to the next step.  

Step – 2: Select The Bun Style

The placement of your bun entirely depends on your preference. You can try out high, low, or back bun styles according to your desire. Trim the sides or keep them on the same length of the peak. You can also try out back nape fall after the bun creation or some side fringe combination too.

Step – 3: Brush The Hair

The next holding is to tightly brush the hair according to your bun placement. Take a small tooth to comb for a smooth texture and messy texture followed well with the wide teeth brushes. Take time and patiently complete the task.

Step -4: Knot The Bun

The last step of the hairstyle process requires you to hold the bun’s base and knot them together. Shape the bun in a round shape, open-top, or back according to your preference. You are ready to walk with your stylish man bun. 

Courageous Man Bun For Asian Men

Long hair featured with a man bun in many different shapes. Triangular, angled knotting is often considered the most popular option. Get bulky at the peak and stay clean at the side edges. Try out the hairstyle and shape it into the best bold look. 

1. Asian Man Bun With Undercut

Asian man bun with undercut
Source:@luchicchic via Instagram

Sides are tamed into shorter trimming. The top gathering locks a round bun on the nape. This Asian undercut hairstyle provides a smooth, stylish pose.  

2. Low Man Bun

low man bun
Source:@top_manes via instagram

Man bun for Asian long hair adjusts well with beard lines. The low-end bun left some open ends on the back. All sections of the hair went for the same length finish.

3. Asian Top Knot Man Bun

Asian top knot man bun
Source:@nunez_barbers via Instagram

Side edges are pieces together in a clean line. A straight blade runs from each top section and knots the bun at the top center. The super attractive hairstyle is meant for teenagers.

4. Classic Asian Man Bun

Classic Asian man Bun
Source:@gpn via Instagram

Typical Asian man bun keeps straight section on each side. Together they end on a fresh bun worn on the back. Man with glasses can try out the hairdo.  

5. Curly Man Bun

Curly Man bun
Source:@seecut_hairstylizh via Instagram

Are you tired of straight hair? Try out a curly Asian man bun with a faded side section. You will just look like a rock star on the hairdo. 

6. Halfup Asian Man Bun

Halfup Asian Man bun
Source:@damnrainando via Instagram

Classic Asian man bun practices a half-up style on extended length. The nape fall edges take on highlights of brown. Everyone can try out the hairstyle for a sophisticated style.

7. Messy Man Bun

 messy man bun
Source:@migyau via Instagram

The neat tight grip gets into the back section and creates a messy bun. The open section of the knot stays on the top and takes on a dark hue. Most men will be excited to try out the haircut.

8. Man Bun With Beard

man bun with beard
Source:@udonpros via Instagram

Man bun brings a neat and simple pairing with the beard section. The root of the sideburns is clean and adds on a hefty mustache. Keep your beard well-trimmed for the sensational modern hairstyle. 

9. Braided Asian Man Bun

Braided asian man bun
Source:@chiyukihair via Instagram

Exceptional braids line use a blonde and black mixture. Trimmed sides appear to use the braids line to create the bun. The hairdo is a unique and fashionable combination of African-style tiny plaits. 

10. Deep Undercut Cut Man Bun

Deep undercut cut man bun
Source:@barberhiro via Instagram

Deep undercut look sensational with the smooth top. The small bun masters a clean look for a party night. Enjoy a cool pose with minimal effort.

11. Shaved Side Asian Man Bun

Shaved side asian man bun
Source:@jj.kd95 via Instagram

Sides are perfectly shaved and place some loose ends on the nape. The back bun style combined with shiny hair. The sharp and neat look can be your choice for the next big event. 

12. Man Bun With Short Hair

man bun with short hair
Source:@zenstyle via Instagram

Slightly shorter hair imports a small bun section at the back joint. Sides are swept in a clean gathering. Choose the hairdo for a summer vacation look.

13. Asian Man Bun With Fade

Asian man bun with fade
Source:@cuttyfresh via Instagram

Faded sides perfectly highlight clean covering on medium-length hair. Choose a high bun and stick to the natural shade. Asian men will look incredible on the hairdo.

14. Low Fade Man Bun

Low fade man bun
Source:@izzybarbers via Instagram

Stylish low bun wants for the messy appeal. The sides are faded in small sections round up. Man bun for Asian hairdo is meant for the casual look over.

15. Slick Back Asian Man Bun

 Slick back asian man bun
Source:@bronx_barber_shop via Instagarm

A natural textured hairstyle went for the slick back brush bun creation. Sidelines are well-trimmed and bare the smooth pattern. The hairdo can fulfill your urban style desire. 

16. Two Bun For Asian Man

 two bun for asian man

Man bun for Asian style rule on two bun Korean desire. The blonde shading also places some side bangs on the front section. The glory of the presented hairstyle is nothing like the old days.

17. Short Men Bun With Beard

Short Men Bun With Beard
Source:@electricbarbering via Instagram

Grow your beard and leave a shorter length on the top. Section the sides and place a mini bun at the back. The hairdo looks perfect for a Viking fan.

18. High Bun For Asian Men

High Bun For Asian Men
Source:@jamestang267 via Instagram

High bun shows off slightly shaved sides. The dark pitch shares a manly expression. The hair design assists you in feeling confident.

19. Big Bun For Asian Man

Big Bun For Asian Man

Big knots are not meant only for women. Fit men with long hair can also try out the gorgeous hairdo. Secure a sporty look with the hairstyle.

20. Side Open End With Bun For Asian Man

Side Open End With Bun For Asian Man

Swept the extended hair on the rights side. Leave some open lines on one side and comb back a messy bun. The hairdo can be the best choice for a low-maintenance brown man. 

21. Long Man Bun

Source:@seecut_hairstylizh via Instagram

Man bun for Asian spice up with the loose strands. Half of the side section is faded out. The hairstyle seems appropriate for a manly pose.

22. Fresh Side With Man Bun

Fresh Side With Man Bun
Source:@rb.cuts via Instagram

Side edges serve in a fresh cut. The line is marked on both sides and the mini bun is placed on the high section. Choppy face man can call for a haircut.  

23. Beard and Bun For Asian

Beard and Bun For Asian
Source:@taka.suga via Instagram

You can custom the hairdo in open strands or knot them all in a bun. The ultimate fashion of the hairstyle is accomplished from the joint beard. You will look impressive and cool on the hairdo.

24. Top Knot Man Bun

Source:@long_hair_monk via Instagram

Grab the hair length from every corner of the head and proceed for the top knotting. The man bun for Asians will sit right in the middle and give an eye-catching view.   

25. Clean Man Bun For Asians

Man Bun For Asians
Source:@nguyenduyduong1108 via Instagram

The trendy Asian man bun process a clean section on the front side. The nape stays trimmed and the top is tightly wrapped in a bun. The intensity of the hairstyle is hard to ignore.  

26. Asian Man Bun With Glasses

Asian Man Bun With Glasses
Source:@ywenski via Instagram

The side breaks free from the top and ends up on a comfortable trimming. The back pull knots a round bun and shape on natural texture. You will look sleek on the hairdo.

27. Top Knot Bun With X Mark

Top Knot Bun With X Mark
Source:@ trung3b via Instagram

Regular man bun tie in a clean side with an ‘X’ sign. The peak gathering stays on a dark hue and highlights some brown on the knot. Try out the hairstyle for a date night.   

28. Disconnected Undercut With Messy Asian Bun

Disconnected Undercut With Messy Asian Bun
Source:@phoenixkwan.hair via Instagram

Undercut sides pull together a different clean section. The top mess tightly places a bun on a low section with open strands. You can note the hairstyle for any special occasion.  

29. Blonde Highlights Bun For Man Asian

Blonde Highlights Bun For Man Asian
Source:@jvgullyy via Instagram

Tight end smooth texture hair faded the side edges. Two mark line and tie an open strand bun. Blonde highlights in black shade double the charm of the hairdo.

30. Handsome Asian Man With Bun

Handsome Asian Man With Bun
Source:@charddd via Instagram

The hairstyle projects a smooth transaction from a faded section or a textured peak. Place the knot on the top nape section in a round manner. Become a global sensation with the ultra-modern hairdo.

An Asian man bun is always considered to be the best option for a dashing look. Different textures and bun knotting assist well to provide you with a versatile pose with minimal effort. You already know about some of the trendy man buns for Asians.

Groom your beard and combine the best man bun for your style sense. Let some loose strands fly or place them on a tight grip. Change your overall vibe as an Asian man and become a handsome hunk. Get creative and select the best hairstyle for you.   

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